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I'm a hamster

It snowed today. I'll expand on that later.

I just needed greatly to stress on the importance of the picture (there's only one, figure it out). It's an ogg. They are a remarkable species. This ogg is five years old. He's cute, nuff said.

Had a day off school today because it snowed a couple of inches. It was so beautiful outside! Although its unbelievable to think that in this day and age they can send a man to the moon, but Hampstead to Golders green in the snow? No way man out of the question.

Went to the park to have a snowball fight.

White sweater didnt help my camoflage. Had very cold bollocks for most of the rest of the day.

Still, I realised with my good friend after about twenty minutes, that all I really wanted to do was have lunch. Running around throwing things is fun, but hunting for food is a priority.

If i was in a wildlife programme I would be described as a 'docile creature.'

Docile creatures


Notice these are the animals on wildlife programmes that dont have snowball fights. They eat, sleep, potter about their daily doings, and everybody seems to like them! Hamsters are docile . . .

I'm a hamster.

Obviously I, myself am not a hamster. I mean use common sense; where would a hamster get the money to buy a computer?

But "I'm a hamster." It's worth considering . . .

written @ 12:23 a.m. on 2003-02-01