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Einstein and the hamburger.

The universe is expanding? Oh is that why no one is losing weight!? Listen I can't help it I'm on a diet of thinner chips but its fucking Einstein's fault that's who it is!

Fuck Einstein! Can't sue him he's dead! Fuck it! I'll sue McDonald's. It's their fucking fault. Their chips aren't thin enough! And the people who don't take the salad out the burgers - fuckin health freaks!

What like one piece of meat in a hamburger isn't enough? There was the Big Mac. And then someone who had smoked more weed came along and said "Big Mac!? Aaah fuck Big Mac!" Along came the Mega Mac. Four pieces of meat in a hamburger. Why don't you just have four hamburgers? Oh no I couldn't do that what kind of animal do you take me for? The Mega Mac: a new breed of 'easy to pronounce' burgers for stoners.

We all know Ronald McDonald didn't start McDonalds. Isn't he a priest now? McDonalds was started when some stoner said, "Fuck man I could eat a fucking horse."

written @ 11:03 p.m. on 2003-02-03