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C'mon Joe, calm down!

Finished exams today! Generally Crappy Stupid Exams - GCSE Mocks.

Walked out of school. Got a lighter out. Normal life resumes again.

Looking at the questions of some of the papers, I'm pretty sure I could write a decent exam on . . .

...well I could write a decent exam on anything. Whether I could complete it is an entirely different matter.

I could make a promise. Whether I'll keep that is a different matter...

It's easier to communicate an idea, and less easy to carry one out.

"Willing is not enough,

we must apply.

Knowing is not enough,

We must do."

- Bruce Lee (Martial Artist)

I could write, "Get a date, join the army, buy a Britney Spears record."

Actions have been written, yet I can guarantee they won't be carried out for a long time yet.

Ok, you get the idea. Trust is a gift. Honesty is supreme. The examples don't disprove trust and honesty. Do not beleive that no-one is trustworthy, this is not the X-Files. It proves how great trust is, and how carefully treated it should be, with honesty.

Starting to repeat myself a little. Sounding like a preacher. Teacher. Going to Malta tommorow. Should be more interesting.

Simply, I'm not perfect. Everyone's made mistakes, but the single reason the world is in the terrible state it is in today, I believe, is dishonesty. That statement has no connection with my political views whatsoever, and doesn't mean that I could run the world myself.

Although that could be fun . . .

Taxi's would be ice-cream vans for sure.

And shame to anyone who actually thought that I have political views.


written @ 1:09 a.m. on 15 February, 2003