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Land of Malteasers

Went to Malta in half-term. A very interesting place. Everywhere and everyone has a story. All the countries in the world, even the ones I'd never even heard of before, and all the cars on the road and people on the bus, are all on a journey with a story as meaningful as our own.

Logic: Malta must have lots of Malteasers. Imagine a land of malteasers . . mmm...



(the snack not the people)

Malteasers are a wonderful snack. They are perfectly round with that gorgeous irresistable honeycombe centre underneath a fine coating of delicious chocolate....mmm....

In order to discover the wonderful centre, you have to be willing to taste the malteaser. At first glace the malteaser is chocolate ball. Only when we look inside do we discover it's true identity and beauty.

Such is the case with people.

People are malteasers.

I am malteaser.

You are a malteaser.


Everyone has a honeycombe centre inside; you just have to be willing to look for it.

written @ 4:53 p.m. on 24 February, 2003