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Forming a connection is a great thing, because nothing holds more despair the the feeling of being all alone, in a room full of people.

If, however, you're really lucky, you and someone else can feel all alone in a room full of people. The reason? Wavelength. It's like hitting another level of reality above that of everyone else.

Someone tell me what's going on inside my head.

Language is so finite that in order just to express idea I need an abstract little paragraph.

Cue: Scrubs stylee white flash-back...

The feeling looks like an encirclement of rumbling black thunder clouds spinning, and casting its shadow upon every worldy object and your very own soul. Strangling the light from the sun, in the very centre. It shines through less and less and then, when it goes out, we're left in total darkness, and the echo of the storm wandering in the wind.

It's like a donut shape. Doughnut shape. MMmmm...

Anyway...enough of that! Its a beautiful day today and the sun releases a radiant glow from the face of every person on the street.

Gotta say...

Can't really complain!

written @ 11:56 a.m. on 30 March, 2003