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One of the things I always thought I would never understand was a close family. I could never have a connection with people who I'd shamelessly fought with. I love my family, don't get me wrong, but I've had to think about family a lot lately.

I just got back from visiting my family in Manchester. There were four generations of us at the dinner table that Thursday night. Twenty members of my family from different places sat round the table, including Callum, my new nine month old cousin, and my uncle Stefan who hadn't come to the passover dinner for 14 years, and we savoured the news of the birth of my new cousin Josh, born that night.

Four generations...

...and none of us could be pulled apart.

Or at least that was the atmosphere in house during my stay. There's a set of strong family values, tradition, humour and plenty of stories...plenty...

Hopefully though, family will be there no matter what. More importantly, spending time with family is never wasting time. In fact, it can be a most valuable, pleasurable and downright healthy ways to spend it.


written @ 2:03 a.m. on 20 April, 2003