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My Next 100 Years Alive

Who am I?!?!? Oh I am sooo lost!

So basically I'm not sure if I want to continue all these 'self-knowledge' petty entries just because I've because watching so many American sitcoms and all I think about is 'issues.'

Doesn't matter... seriously. People like it. I like it, and I shouldn't take having the time to do it for granted...

Remember those Generally Crappy Stupid Exams? Well I have them soon...for a month. What does that mean? It means my future lies in my performance in a test for which I really ought to start working...

...oh dear. Deary deary me.

So if I pass... well who cares!

If I fail - that's where the fun starts!

Maybe I could fulfill my age old fantasy of growing fruit and selling it on the beach, living in a shack and never having to worry about when the sitcom is on TV. Cor its a tough life!

Perhaps I could come up with t-shirt slogans. Who came up with 'My brother went to London and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!'? I would love to meet that person...maybe choke them...

If, however, I met the person who came up with "Adihash - it gives you speed" then I'm sure we would have much more of a laugh. Maybe I could teach them how to spell allso.

Plus, who is going to do the voices for Winnie the Pooh in twenty years? I'd better start learning. In fact I have. Just... well my brother doesn't appreciate me calling him 'piglet.'

So, my future is uncertain. I need some ambition. I would ideally like to make a film and reflect the world through my art, and also perhaps add something to it. For example, a film based on this diary...

...that would make an impact on the world wouldn't it? Yes. I know. Really... :)

written @ 10:36 p.m. on 06 May, 2003