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It's Good To Talk

Hello! Welcome to . . erm ME.

(Audience chants Jooey Joeey Joeey)

Thank yau...thank yau very much.

Jus lying here enjoying a little cooch. Chatting to a friend that I met two years ago, and haven't seen since, on the internet. Communication's are a marvel of technology. I guess its because people need to keep in touch. The result, when combined with the human strive for knowledge, means I am actually able to enjoy a phone conversation in my garden, to a friend hundreds of miles away. All by holding a box to my ear, sound is all it takes to connect on an intellectual, and then an emotional level.

Some people argue about the direction in which technology is taking us.

Posh car: "Turn left at the round about." ...smash bang wallop

Sure it can be scary a lot of the time. Still, if I were to be stuck on a desert island all alone, a phone would be of great comfort.

So what's up with you? I guess a diary is kind of meant to be a one way thing huh...

How can radio DJ's cope with never getting responses. I guess they have phone-ins on music stations to get the listeners involved. And to give away stuff that should be given to me. YES ME! I think also it's nice for the guy to hear something back though, you know?

It's good to talk.

written @ 2:38 a.m. on 07 April, 2003